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Startup Spotlight: ZenCity
Startup CEOs (with jetlag) Drinking Espresso
Global Urban Innovators 2017 - Eyal Feder, ZenCity
How the Israeli start-up Zen City is about to revolutionize your town ?
Intro to Zencity
Tel Aviv Tech Talks 002: Zencity
Zencity & the City of Ashdod Present at CBI Nov 2018
Eyal Feder Levy, CEO & Co Founder of Zencity - Oct. 1, 2017
Zencity CEO Eyal Feder-Levy @City Possible - Mastercard @Smart Cities NY
HFS20 Speaker Sabrina Tharani -Mastercard Start Path
Hi from Zencity
ICMA UNITE 2020 Session: Recovery, Reopening and Resident Feedback